Create a Product Attribute

1. Go to Items.
2. Press Custom Attributes at the top of the screen.
3. Fill in the fields.
4. Press Save Changes

Understanding Product Attributes Fields
  • ATTRIBUTE CODE:  Code that the system must recognize. 

  • ATTRIBUTE NAME: How you want the attribute to appear on the POS screen. 

  • CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE TYPE: Select String if option or field should be a combination of letters and numbers. Select Number if you want the selection or field to contain numbers.

  • FRONT END INPUT TYPE: The type of value you would like to appear on the POS screen. For example, if you want it to say "orange" you would select "Text" from the drop-down menu.

  • SELECT VALUES: The values that will appear on the POS screen. For example, you can write "BL" under VALUE and "Blue" under LABEL. This will set the attribute code in the backend as BL and in the frontend Blue. The front end is what the POS user and customer will see.

  • UI COLUMN SIZE IN POS:  How wide the attribute field should be. Enter a value between 1 and 12, with 12 being the widest.

List of Custom Attributes