If there are no offline transactions on the terminal and no keys on the device, you can try reformatting the PED. The application should generate a new TDK key automatically.
Main Menu → System Options → Key Inject → US Key Injection → Clear
Reboot the terminal and go OS Menu → PED → Key Info to check if a new key is generated
Q30 when getting "DATA STORAGE KEY MISSING":
Power cycle the terminal.
During Self-Test, press 2 repeatedly.
For Q20, repeatedly tap the screen.
For Q20, repeatedly tap the screen.
System Config. Password is 123456.
Remote Download.
New Download.
Select communication method.
Remote IP (see above)
Remote Port (see above)
Enable DHCP.
Select No if using a static network.
Select No if using a static network.
Enter Terminal ID.
Terminal ID for Q30 30033098 (изменено)