Price Rule - All Cart Items / Percentage on matched items(Bundle)

Bundle rule should be used to set up a discount on product bundles - when you want to trigger a discount for a specific combination of products in the cart(a product bundle).

1. Go to Items.
2. Press Price Rules.
3. Press + New Price Rule
4. Enter the name of the rule under Name.
5. Select the products or categories that the price rule applies to under PRODUCTS(one of) or CATEGORIES(one of). Products and categories that should be bundled should go into corresponding '... and products(one of, in bundle with)' and '... and categories(one of, in bundle with)' fileds.
6. Enter customer group(s) in the field under CUSTOMER GROUP IDS if you want this price rule to apply to specific customer groups. Separate groups with commas.
7. Select which day(s) the price rule is active under DAYS OF WEEK WHEN RULE IS ACTIVE.
8. If the price rule is only active during specific hours, select those hours under HOURS WHEN RULE IS ACTIVE.
9. Fill in fields under START MINUTE and END MINUTE.
10. Select All Cart Items / Percentage on matched items(Bundle) under PRICE RULE TYPE.
11. Enter the proper percentage value under AMOUNT.
12. If you want this price rule to be active during a specific period, select the first day under START DATE and the last day under END DATE.
13. Press Save Changes


Bundle Offer:
Buy 2 items together and save 20%!

  • Product 1: Wireless Earbuds ($50)
  • Product 2: Bluetooth Speaker ($100)
  • Original Price Total: $50 + $100 = $150
    Bundle Discount: 20% off = $30 off
    Bundle Price: $150 - $30 = $120