Create a Color Attribute

If you want to assign colors to your products, you'll need to create a color attribute in the backend.

  1. Go to Items in the main navigation menu.

  2. Press Custom Attributes in the upper right corner.

  3. Press + New Product Attribute.

  4. Under ATTRIBUTE CODE, enter “color”. All letters should be lowercase.

  5. Under ATTRIBUTE NAME, enter “Color

  6. Under CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE TYPE, select Product attribute / string from the dropdown menu.

  7. Under FRONTEND INPUT TYPE, select Select.

  8. Under SELECT VALUES, press + Add New.

  9. Under VALUE, enter the first color. For example, you can enter "pink" but the value must be in lowercase.

  10. Under LABEL, enter the color as you want it displayed to your employees and/or customers. i.e Pink.

  11. If you need to add more color, enter those values and labels by pressing + Add New for each new size.

  12. Under UI COLUMN SIZE IN POS, enter “4

  13. Press Save Changes.