Clone Multiple Products at Once

There are several scenarios where you will need to clone multiple products at once. For example, you might need to duplicate products for events or you need to have different prices for products on different days or times.

  1. Go to Items in the left navigation menu.

  2. Select Table from the dropdown menu to the right of the Next page navigation button.

  3. Press the checkbox to the right of the products you would like to clone or press All next to Mass Action at the top of the checkbox column.

  4. In the Mass Actions dropdown menu above the products, select Clone.

  5. In the Mass Clone pop-up window, select the category you would like to clone those products into from the dropdown menu.

  6. Press Save.

Note: If you clone the wrong products and need to delete them, follow the steps above but instead of selecting Clone, select Delete and Yes, do it! to confirm this action. . Make sure you only delete the items you need to as this action is permanent!