Import products, categories and modifiers

To import products, go to Products -> Import section.
The import file should be in CSV format. Recognized fields in the header are: SKU,Name,Description,Price,Cost,Category,TaxRateName,Min Purchase Qty,Qty <Location Name>,Reorder <Location Name>. 
The only mandatory fields are Name and Price. First row is the header. Parent category is 'Parent' in header. 
If you have structure with 3 categories in depth, use Parent,Subcategory,Category headers. 
Different import types are available:
1. Import product and inventory information, create ALL products present in the file.
  This will create all rows in the file as products. Will also create categories if category that's being imported does not exist.
2. Update product and inventory information, create if missing, update if present.
  This will try to find a existing product matching the one in the file and update it. Creates if it can't find a matching product. 
  Matching is done by SKU, Name+Description, ItemID. If neither of those fields are set/all are empty, the row is skipped.
  Will also create categories if category that's being imported does not exist.
3. Update inventory information
  This should only be used to update quantity information. For multi location, Data format is <SKU>;<Location 1 Qty>;<Location 2 Qty>;..etc, location name is in the header. First row is the header. 
Example header: SKU;Qty <Location 1 Name>;Qty <Location 2 Name>
If you select the location first, the header format is: SKU; Qty
4. Autogenerate barcodes in SKU field where SKU field is empty.
This will try to auto generate a barcode on all products existing in the database where the SKU is field is not set. No uploads are needed. This should normally be done post-upload to set new barcodes for products.
5. Import modifiers.
This should be used to import modifier groups & modifiers into the system.
Standard header format in the CSV file should be: ModifierGroupName, ModifierName, Price
6. Clover-like products/categories association(category names are in the header, product names are in rows)
This should be done when migrating Clover merchants. Clover has a special format with categories listed in the header and all products in category being listed in the column corresponding to the category. This format can be imported using this action.
7. Create Variant Matrix Products From Imported Data
Use this to create parent products after importing child products. Child products must have variant_option_one_name/variant_option_one_value in header(two, three if the product varies by more then one attribute).